Jovanny Tovar

Jovanny Tovar

Product Marketing Manager

26 articles

I like pineapples :)

Publié le 21 déc. 2023
9 minutes de lecture

Expert Market and Target Strategy Insights

Expert Market and Target Strategy Insights As thought leaders in the realm of digital marketing and advertising, our pursuit at Expert Market Insight is dedicated to empowering businesses with incisive...
Publié le 7 déc. 2023
17 minutes de lecture

New Product Launch Checklist and Examples: How to Create and Launch a Product | GTM LABS

Dive into the essentials of launching a new product with our comprehensive guide. Explore successful strategies, creative launch ideas, and practical tips from the initial product concept to the grand launch event. Learn how to navigate the product launch process effectively, from developing a robust product launch checklist to executing a dynamic marketing campaign. Whether you're a startup or an established brand, our insights will help you introduce your product to the market with impact.